Welcome to Pidley Mountain Rescue Team
We aim to improve the quality of life and independence of disabled and disadvantaged people within Huntingdonshire allowing them the same opportunities and freedom as everyone else.
We are looking for more Trustees – if you would like to help or be involved in a fantastic charity that works for our local community, please get in touch – Email
Our charity provides specialised equipment for disabled children and adults to develop and progress their personal mobility, and improve their homelife, while raising awareness of the needs of disabled people in our community. Examples of equipment supplied include: wheelchairs; electric scooters; specialised trikes; paediatric buggies, adaptive computer software and hardware; and sensory equipment.
The Charity has over 1,000 life members, including well known local politicians and celebrities. To become a life member and support our work costs only £10. Local companies, organisations, clubs and individuals provide most of our income through sponsorship and donations supplemented by the charity’s own fund-raising activities including the Pidley International Teddy Bear Freefall Competition.
Our history
The charity is based in the village of Pidley and was originally founded over 30 years ago. The village of Pidley is on the edge of the Fens in Huntingdonshire, and is at its highest only 88 ft above sea level. The charity’s name was created when a local villager’s car broke down on the slope leading to the village. His charitable rescuers pushed the car up the ‘mountain’ home. Revived in 1999 the Team made over 150 rescues from 1999-2010 and raises £15,000 annually, averaging 12-15 rescues each year.